Day 14
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Day 8
Day 7
Why is it warm all year round in the Hawaiian Islands?
There are many reasons for Maui’s famous warm weather, not the least of which is the southern latitude. Maui is approximately 1400 miles north of the equator, which is in an area on the planet that has high sun during the entire year. This allows plentiful amounts of sunshine to beam down on the island. While the sun’s warmth heats the island, it is also pumping heat into the surrounding ocean water as well. The temperature of the ocean around Maui fluctuates very little…remaining between 75 degrees F. (23.3C) during the winter months, up to 83 degrees F. (28.3C) or so during the summer months. This last point is really the key factor in why we stay so pleasant here even during the winter. The warm ocean keeps the overlying atmosphere from cooling significantly…ensuring the near perfect weather conditions that Maui enjoys.